Unexpected happenings have occurred over the last few days, some funny, some embarrassing, some inconvenient, some a delight. All unexpected. But what if the unexpected is perfect? If it is what was meant to happen all along?
How can we better dance with the unexpected and flow with changes? How might we more openly accept reality as it is, not as we want it to be. How do we let go, release and surrender our attachments and control? Do we actually need to ‘do’ anything for that to happen?
Let’s see what the rest of the week brings, in word and image.
Have fun with the unexpected!
26 Nov 2010
Week Two: Lists!
Week Two: Lists!
I walked into week two of November’s creative challenges without having consciously decided the theme for the week. I seemed to spend Monday racing around, trying and failing to meet the day’s micro-challenges I’d set myself on my internal LIST OF THINGS TO DO.
And so a theme was born: Lists!
Please feel free to browse this week’s creative offerings and send in some of your own too!
With a note to the last entry: Something’s Cooking. I made a tasty word-meal for you, it was written about a relative who is no longer here. Having consulted a family member, we agreed that the poem could be misinterpreted and so was not so appropriate for posting on the w to the w to the w.
Some meals are the kind of food you should only serve at home.
Onto Lists!
November 15th
She Gets Things Done
The Squirm
Racing ahead to the future,
stomach left behind
grasping for the safety bars
strategy and frame
if she could just sit down for one minute and write a list of all she’s done this morning –
she catches herself.
Smiles at the absurdity
of Projected Reality
as it sprints neck and neck with Urgency
to a future where she is so productive.
Where did she get this notion?
This finish-line marker
chalked ahead of herself?
She grabs the chalk and draws faces on the pavement.
Balances on one foot.
Throws questions up in the air and sits down smiling
as warm rain falls gently.
She’d like to stay here a while.
Fat Freddy’s Drop have written a beautiful lyric which I had posted up on a noticeboard for a long while:
‘The race is on and I’m quickly standing still,
’cos I have faith in something more than my will: soul’
Just thought I'd share that.
As a word,
not particularly inspiring
and clammy to the touch
a little bit dry
a little bit damp
Listening to the radio on Sunday
I heard the words of a Jewish prisoner of war.
He was murdered,
A number in a long line
a composer,
had once said
all you can take with you in death,
is that which you have given away
to others in life.
Weds 16th November
The list I heard today was someone else’s
Intellectual property
So I can’t tell you what was listed.
That’s classified information.
well-presented degree
like a CV
Who on earth are we pitching to?
Why do we play puppet games and take it all so seriously
this ‘ME’ we
present to the world.
Wonky measures and milestones
sights set so keenly on other people’s goals
that we miss seeing our dreams.
So attached to the thought of the
Gilded prize
We lose
connection inside.
Tell me a story.
Make it up if you will,
but make it yours!
Thurs 17th November
Standing in aisle 9
weathered scrap
hanging from his hand
jacket, once puffed up,
now out of puff
smothering his solid
tired frame.
For half an hour
indecision has
held him here
the bright lights of
variety at such a price,
the stuffing and filling
of baskets and trolleys
plastics sacks.
The motion
of many,
announcements call for action
but something
has him
So much seems
on the finger of choice
pointing to something
beyond the
metronome wag
of eeny meeny miny
What was it
he had forgotten?
Friday 18th November
Registration 1
Hands up
who is
Hands up
who is
Registration 2
Yes Miss
No Sir
They’re away
Daily roll call
Clock on
Sign in
Tick the list.
Registration 3
Mrs. Preston
decided to
test her psychic skills.
She would lead registration
with eyes shut and students silent.
“On the count of three I will begin.
I will call your name – please do not respond.
I will intuit
whether you are here
or not”
inky wand resting on desk
purple twinset
the Mystick’s
Mrs. Preston closed her eyes
and went onto a higher plane.
Twenty-four magic words later
she returned to
class 4B
still silent
who had performed
their very own
trick .
Saturday 19th November
Tick the
Against the
General Notes: Lists, from what I've written this week, seem to have a negative feel or at least a sense of drive (things to be ticked off) and structure, that can be helpful or can be a hindrance. I thought I’d focus on writing some more positive lists and the more playful exploration of the above Registration series.
I started with a list of things that I love about my partner, but then felt that actually I didn’t want to share those things publicly here and now in this context. So, I decided to aim for something more universal, less personal – which is something I want to build into this project more and more.
World to Humans. A love letter:
I love
that you try so hard
your unquestioning acceptance of my support
under your feet
when you tickle me
as you swim in my waters
I love
when you stop to notice me
see me
feel me
the funny stories you make up about
how I came to be
when you all get along
I really feel your love for me then.
14 Nov 2010
End of Week One: Something's Cooking!
On reflection
This latest project, daily creating and dancing with words, has been one of the most joyful life-enhancing things I have done in 2010. And so simple!
In 2009, I purchased a pack of crayons and let rip on the page. Doodling and adding rainbow colours to anything I could. Again a simple creative pleasure. A bit like moving for the fun of it, for the elbow-speaking-to-wrist of it, dancing to a tune in one's room, stretching in a Yoga pose. All these easy-if-you-let-them-beesy actions that, for me, add a massive amount of happiness and peace to my days. And I feel so much more self-expressed for it. Which again affirms for me something that I've thought and felt for a long time: creativity gives us greater self-expression, a re-discovery of fullness that brings with it an increased sense of wellbeing.
I look forward to exploring this link in future projects and workshops.
Have fun taking a moment to bring more creative expression into your day - or perhaps simply more awareness of the creativity already there - whether through baking, making, tying your shoe-laces up strangely or doing any silly thing that makes your heart sing. Please post your discoveries to inspire one another!
I've been cooking up a poem over the last couple of days; it's not quite tasting right yet, so I'll play with flavours and spices and share it with you soon. I'll also announce the next challenge shortly, should you choose to join in!
11 Nov 2010
Tales from a Travelodge/Dinosaurs Walk the Streets
Here are my creative gatherings from the last couple of days...plus a little help from small children somewhere, being creative in their inimitable ways.
8th November:
9 plus pm
Tomorrow I have to get up
hence I am avoiding all
eye contact
with clock faces
should be asleep by
but I want to first
write words
stretch bend breathe
then I hope to sleep.
Under gaze of the clock's watchful eye
9th November
Soaking up silence
There's a bible next to the bed
placed by The Gideons
so it says.
I've always liked that name
Ernest, Celestine and Gideon
in the snow.
Doesn't he get replaced?
Gideon 1 by
Gideon 2
similar but different
the same but different
I say (in my head)
Lord, what would you like me to see today?
Isaiah appears
(not quite in the same way as God appeared to Isaiah if I remember rightly.
Not in a Travelodge)
The Lord that is there on the pages
is not the same Lord
I recognise and love
in all his male female beyond binary forms.
This Lord
so I am told
"wash away the filth of the women of Zion"
now I am reading out of context, but -
a roll of inner eye and resigned sigh -
why filth?
why filth of women?
I wonder what they did
or didn't do.
Then that section ends with talk of a canopy over
all the glory
of Mount Zion, and
"It will be a shelter and a shade from the heat of the day, and a
refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain".
Which is a bit like a Travelodge.
Except I'm not filthy
I've just had a shower.
9th November
Thank you to the boy who entertained us from the car in front on the journey home. Amazing faces, great gurning and the bag-on-the-head-zombie-arms were a joy to behold. You gave lots of adults a reminder to make silly faces too.
And thank you to the children who drew dinosaurs and dropped their drawings as gifts on the street. They stomp on:
8 Nov 2010
November Week One: The Challenge!
November Week One: The challenge!
I'll be posting poetry each day inspired by events, non-happenings, ponderings and passing thoughts. Sometimes it might be snippets, sometimes fully-formed word-scarves. Sometimes I might explain or make changes, sometimes not. After all, this is an experiment.
5th November:
Here's a little something that may turn into something more. My father said a sentence and I finished it off.
Collaborative creating:
Strike up a friendwich.
all these wires
and all these visions
All this static
and decisions.
6th November:
Drag feet through
to brighter
new-beginning boxes
beget bits bobs
things to clear
Take your boxes
I carry mine
and will one day
share it
when the anticipated
Mushrooms like members.
As was icecream not
clotted with the
fruit crumble.
Sometimes servings serve
in other ways
not prayers unheard
but needs and wants
met in well balanced
nutritional dishes.
And besides
we were really there for the company.
Welcome Evening!
Well fed
well friended
[ ]
now in need of space
[ ]
I hold my hand
as I
move into evening.
Enjoying cleaning
orange-clove experiments
(sore thumbs)
home-made christmas decorations
home-made contentment
Home - home holds me
as I
slip into the night.
Home is held.
7th November:
Dreams of angry altercations of
condiments and
imagined issues
reminding me to eat more than baked beans
as I remind you
to eat more than cheese.
A surprising subject I never knew
we never spoke of.
Am happy to let that one fall away and
I'll drink tea to toast
the fact that dreams are not real
Flights of Fancy (thoughts in the bath)
the difference between
thoughts that are real and true
or of desires and disconnection
is that some fly up
gain gravity and manifest in reality
and some
fly up
fall to the floor exhausted
for all they had
and never were.
Notes: Initially this read 'or of desires and ego', which seemed too vague. I contemplated using 'lower mind' or 'lower mind kind' but this phrasing felt like a judgement was being made of higher/lower mind. Disconnection seems to fit well (a suitable sock) and, I feel, captures the notion of inner workings not quite connected to a source in truth, as well as the sense of the inner workings of a bird malfunctioning, inside, unseen.
6 Nov 2010
And so we begin...
It's November! And there's no better time to start a project than November, as the old adage goes!
Rather than writing in the sand I have decided to write words on the web.
Well, because it is more fun to share than not.
And there's so much to share and I've kept it to myself for too long! Creativity is a process not the end product, so here I am mid-flight and here you are too!
My aim in this section is to not only explore and document my own arts practice, but to also offer a sharing that is thoughtful, feelful, playful, experimental, at times clumsy and awkward, and maybe sometimes even a bit eloquent and insightful. Maybe. I'll strive to be honest and come unpolished. I'll watch out for my ego trying to pitch to you with an ulterior motive and you can check in with yours. Please hold me to that. Maybe we can be mirrors, reflecting.
I will keep you posted on events and projects that I'm currently involved in or classes I'm offering should you live in the area and fancy coming along. I will also be engaging in a monthly/weekly arts adventure! See the next post for more details!
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